Saturday 27 June 2009

The Death of Michael Jackson.. and other stuff.

I guess it's sad news, despite the plethora of jokes I've heard about his death already.

No matter what anybody thought of Michael Jackson, he was a true music legend. Everyone in the world has heard at least 1 Michael Jackson song.

Really though, could you imagine him doing all those dates at the O2 Arena? Personally I couldn't. The guy was 50, and obviously had health problems and there's no way the man could dance like he did back in his hayday. It wouldn't have surprised me if he had a heart attack during one of those shows.

However, it is sad news, the King of Pop has handed over the throne, but please, don't give it to Lady Gaga for fucks sake. The woman's music is awful.

In other news, band is still rockin and demoing. Think we're gonna do a Michael Jackson cover out of respect. We'll post it on our MySpace page in the next couple of weeks.

Look out.

Captain and Commander, Le Bonj

Monday 22 June 2009

Pro Tools, Bane, S I U Y D and Music

I have been with the band a lot over the past few months, it's different to how it used to be.

Nowadays we spend more time messing around with pro tools than we do actually playing as a band. Which I guess is a good thing, and a bad thing (delete as appropriate).

The sheer amount of music we have been creating is becoming quite silly, we already have an album, ready to be mastered and released, and we've written, and demoed, another one.

Now I'm no amazing producer/engineer, but I like to think I'm getting pretty good at this whole pro tools lark. No wonder so many bands can make awesome sounding demos before they even touch a proper studio. They've preproduced it in their homes/basements/sheds, or in our case, an attic/cottage. It's fairly simple to get hold of a few decent plugins, and be able to make yourselves sound fairly decent. (Having decent hardware helps too, we don't have any decent hardware, but we make what we have, work).

Of course, with writing, comes smoking bane. I have always been "under the influence" with previous bands during the writing process, I guess it opens me up to different ideas.

S. I. U. Y. D


Shove It Up Your Dick

Seems to be my favourite saying of all time nowadays. Me, Seal and Madgie are constantly saying it, referencing it, facebooking it, and now, even blogging it. Get on the bandwagon. Make it a sensation.

Well, this has been my first blog. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Stay tuned for more.

Captain and Commander, Le Bonj